About the Ulwa Dictionary (1996 HTML version)


The contents of this dictionary are the efforts of the Ulwa Language Project, involving the Ulwa Language Committee (Ulwah Yulka Tunak Muihka Balna -- UYUTMUBAL) of Karawala, Nicaragua, and two linguists (Ken Hale and Tom Green) from MIT. The Ulwa Language Committee are:

 Leonzo Knight Julian
 Lorinda Martinez Lacayo
 Francisco Santiago William
 Abanel Lacayo Blanco
 Clementina Simon Abraham
 Kandler Santiago Simon

Special Symbols

§ Sentence example.
© Position of construct state affix.
® Related subentry.

Latin-1 Character Set

Note: Your browser should be set to handle the ISO Latin-1 character set. This dictionary assumes the following special accented characters from that character set:

ÂÎÛâîû Circumflexed vowels AIUaiu
ÁÉÍÓÚáéíóú Acute accented vowels AEIOUaeiou
Üü Umlauted Uu
Ññ "Enye" (Nn with tilde)