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<entry id="a6637" lemma="waspah" hom="1" hist="supp92">
  <pos pos="n" former="n"/>
  <key lang="ulw">was[]pah</key>
<tg lang="spn">
<tg lang="msk">
<tg lang="eng">
  <ex lang="ulw">Waspah ya puruhka yamka ya was bik isau palka watah ka.</ex>
  <ex lang="msk">Lî unta ba pakni pain ba lî sin ailal pali brîsa.</ex>
  <ex lang="spn">El pozo es bien profundo y tiene mucha agua también.</ex>
  <ex lang="eng">The well is good and deep, and also has a lot of water in it.</ex>
  <ex lang="ulw">Saupah puruhka kaupak muih ya butpi yakti asna suhdai.</ex>
  <ex lang="msk">Tasba pakni wina upla ba pangki sâki kwâla tuskisa.</ex>
  <ex lang="spn">Hoyo profundo del cual la gente saca agua para lavar ropa.</ex>
  <ex lang="eng">A deep hole in the ground from which people draw water and wash clothes.</ex>